Scottsdale Skin Boutique & Dermatology is your premiere center for comprehensive medical, surgical, and aesthetic dermatologic care. Our expert medical professionals are proud to offer evidence-based treatment plans tailored to each of our patients' individual needs. Based in the heart of Scottsdale, it is our pleasure to care for patients from Scottsdale, Paradise Valley, Phoenix and surrounding communities in the Valley of the Sun.
Experience Scottsdale Skin Boutique & Dermatology:
Concierge Quality Care Accessible to All
What is Eczema?
Eczema, also known as atopic dermatitis, is a skin condition that is characterized by larges patches of inflamed, itchy, and dry skin. Eczema can affect all ages and all skin types. In infants, eczema often starts as a dry red rash on the cheeks and around the mouth, often made worse by drooling. As children grow older, the rash may be on the arms, legs, or in other areas where they are able to scratch. In teenagers and adults, eczema is often on the inside of the elbows and knees, on the hands and feet, and around the eyes. If you believe you or your child are affected by eczema and are interested in learning more about treatment, we encourage you to schedule an appointment with with one of our expert dermatology providers at your earliest convenience.
What Causes Eczema?
Eczema is most likely caused by a combination of genetic and environmental factors. Genetic causes include differences in the proteins that form the skin barrier. When this barrier is broken down, the skin loses moisture more easily, becoming more dry, easily irritated, and hypersensitive. The skin is also more prone to infection (with bacteria, viruses, or fungi). The immune system in the skin may be different and overreact to environmental triggers such as pet dander and dust mites.
Allergies and asthma may be present more frequently in individuals with eczema, but they are not the cause of eczema. Infrequently, when a specific food allergy is identified, eating that food may make eczema worse, but it usually is not the cause of the eczema itself.
What Eczema Treatments are Available at Scottsdale Skin Boutique & Dermatology?
No single treatment works for everyone. Factors such as age, location, severity, and previous therapy may guide treatment decisions. The expert dermatology providers at Scottsdale Skin Boutique & Dermatology will help you choose which treatments are best for your eczema as well as review the risks and benefits. Options include:
- Oral and topical prescription medications
- Biologic medications
- Lifestyle modifications
- Medical-grade skin care products
Am I a Good Candidate for Eczema Treatments?
If you are struggling with red, itchy, inflamed skin and/or have been diagnosed with eczema, eczema treatments at Scottsdale Skin Boutique & Dermatology may be right for you. We encourage you to schedule an appointment with one of our expert dermatology providers to discuss your unique concerns.
The expert medical professionals at Scottsdale Skin Boutique & Dermatology are proud to offer comprehensive, personalized treatments for a variety of medical, surgical, and aesthetic dermatologic concerns. Please contact us to schedule your appointment today at 480-998-1400. We look forward to demonstrating our commitment to your care.