Scottsdale Skin Boutique & Dermatology is your premiere center for comprehensive medical, surgical, and aesthetic dermatologic care. Our expert medical professionals are proud to offer evidence-based treatment plans tailored to each of our patients' individual needs. Based in the heart of Scottsdale, it is our pleasure to care for patients from Scottsdale, Paradise Valley, Phoenix and surrounding communities in the Valley of the Sun.
Experience Scottsdale Skin Boutique & Dermatology:
Concierge Quality Care Accessible to All
What is Psoriasis?
Psoriasis is a common, lifelong condition in which red plaques with thick scales form on the skin. It affects 1-2% of all people. Psoriasis is chronic, meaning the symptoms can come and go at any time throughout a person’s life. Psoriasis can first develop at any age – from infancy to adulthood. In fact, one-third of psoriasis patients develop the condition before the age of 20. Psoriasis varies from person to person, both in severity and how it responds to treatment. Psoriasis tends to run in families, but it can also be initiated by certain circumstances, such as emotional stress, injury to the skin, infection, and certain medications. It is not contagious. If you believe you have psoriasis, we encourage you to schedule an appointment with one of our expert dermatology providers at your earliest convenience.
What Causes Psoriasis?
While researchers are still unclear about what causes psoriasis, genetics and the immune system both play important roles in development. In patients with psoriasis, the immune system is mistakenly activated, resulting in a faster growth cycle of skin cells. Normally, the skin goes through constant renewal by shedding the outer, dead layer of skin cells while new skin cells are made underneath. Normal skin cells mature and fall off the skin in three to four weeks. Psoriasis skin cells only take three to four days to go through this cycle. Instead of falling off, the cells pile up and form thick, red, scaly patches. Patients who have psoriasis may find that alcohol, stress, and certain medications contribute to their flare-ups.
What Psoriasis Treatments are Available at Scottsdale Skin Boutique & Dermatology?
No single treatment works for everyone. Factors such as severity and previous therapy may guide treatment decisions. The expert dermatology providers at Scottsdale Skin Boutique & Dermatology will help you choose which treatments are best for your psoriasis as well as review the risks and benefits. Options include:
- Oral and topical prescription medications
- Biologic medications
- Light therapy

Am I a Good Candidate for Psoriasis Treatments?
If you're suffering from dry, thickened, inflamed patches of skin or have been diagnosed with psoriasis, psoriasis treatments with the expert dermatology providers at Scottsdale Skin Boutique & Dermatology may be right for you. We encourage you to schedule an appointment with one of our expert dermatology providers to discuss your unique concerns.
The expert medical professionals at Scottsdale Skin Boutique & Dermatology are proud to offer comprehensive, personalized treatments for a variety of medical, surgical, and aesthetic dermatologic concerns. Please contact us to schedule your appointment today at 480-998-1400. We look forward to demonstrating our commitment to your care.