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Scottsdale Skin Boutique & Dermatology is your premiere center for comprehensive medical, surgical, and aesthetic dermatologic care. Our expert medical professionals are proud to offer evidence-based treatment plans tailored to each of our patients' individual needs. Based in the heart of Scottsdale, it is our pleasure to care for patients from Scottsdale, Paradise Valley, Phoenix and surrounding communities in the Valley of the Sun.

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Concierge Quality Care Accessible to All

Scottsdale Skin Boutique

What is Vitiligo?

Vitiligo is a condition where individuals develop patches of white or lighter-colored skin. This results from destruction or reduction of melanocytes, the cells that produce pigment in our skin, so that they cannot function properly. People of all ages and skin types can be affected, and it can present on all areas of the body, most commonly areas that are “bumped” or rubbed frequently (i.e., areas of friction like the elbows, hands, waist, knees and top of the feet). It can also affect the skin around the eyes, nose and mouth, genitals, as well as the inner lining of the nose and mouth. For most people with vitiligo, white patches develop and expand slowly over time; however, every person is different. Some patients will never progress, rarely patients will worsen rapidly, and 10-20% will develop spontaneous repigmentation (return of normal skin pigmentation). If you believe you have vitiligo or your child has vitiligo, we encourage you to schedule an appointment with one of our expert dermatology providers at your earliest convenience.

What Causes Vitiligo?

The cause of vitiligo is not clearly understood, but it appears in most cases to be an autoimmune condition limited to the skin. In other words, the body’s own immune system attacks the normal pigment-making cells in the skin. As an autoimmune condition, vitiligo can be linked over time to the development of other autoimmune conditions. Vitiligo is partially genetic and may run in families, however, the risk of a sibling or child developing vitiligo is only about 6%. Vitiligo does not usually cause symptoms, but it can sometimes cause itching. It is not life-threatening and is not contagious/cannot be spread from one person to another.

What Vitiligo Treatments Are Available at Scottsdale Skin Boutique & Dermatology?

Factors such as age, location, severity, and previous therapy may guide treatment decisions. The expert dermatology providers at Scottsdale Skin Boutique & Dermatology will help you choose which treatments are best for vitiligo as well as review the risks and benefits. Options include:

  • Topical prescription medications
  • Medical-grade skin care products

Am I a Good Candidate for Vitiligo Treatments?

If you have noticed discoloration and/or changes to the color of your skin, and you believe you have vitiligo, we encourage you to schedule an appointment with one of our expert dermatology providers at Scottsdale Skin Boutique & Dermatology to discuss your unique concerns.

The expert medical professionals at Scottsdale Skin Boutique & Dermatology are proud to offer comprehensive, personalized treatments for a variety of medical, surgical, and aesthetic dermatologic concerns. Please contact us to schedule your appointment today at 480-998-1400. We look forward to demonstrating our commitment to your care.