Scottsdale Skin Boutique & Dermatology is your premiere center for comprehensive medical, surgical, and aesthetic dermatologic care. Our expert medical professionals are proud to offer evidence-based treatment plans tailored to each of our patients' individual needs. Based in the heart of Scottsdale, it is our pleasure to care for patients from Scottsdale, Paradise Valley, Phoenix and surrounding communities in the Valley of the Sun.
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Concierge Quality Care Accessible to All
What is Rosacea?
Rosacea is a common skin condition that causes red bumps and flushing primarily on the central face. It affects nearly 16 million Americans each year. The disorder is more frequently diagnosed in women but tends to be more severe in men. Symptoms of rosacea can include:
- Persistent redness and visible broken blood vessels on the cheeks, nose, and central face.
- Small, red bumps that can resemble pimples.
- Red, bulb-shaped nose with thickening of the skin.
- Irritated, red eyes that have a gritty sensation.
If you believe you have rosacea and are interested in learning more about treatment, we encourage you to schedule an appointment with one of our expert dermatology providers at your earliest convenience.
What Causes Rosacea?
While researchers are still unsure what causes rosacea, most patients find that their flare-ups are triggered by alcohol, stress, eating spicy or acidic foods, drinking hot beverages, sun exposure, and heat. Rosacea can affect all segments of the population and all skin types, but individuals with fair skin who tend to flush, or blush easily are believed to be at greatest risk. There is also evidence that rosacea may tend to run in families and may be especially prevalent in people of northern or eastern European descent.
What Rosacea Treatments are Available at Scottsdale Skin Boutique & Dermatology?
No single treatment works for everyone. Factors such as severity and previous therapy may guide treatment decisions. The expert dermatology providers at Scottsdale Skin Boutique & Dermatology will help you choose which treatments are best for your melasma as well as review the risks and benefits. Options include:
- Prescription oral and topical medications
- Medical grade skin care products
- Medical grade facial
- Chemical peels
Am I a Good Candidate for Rosacea Treatments?
If you are suffering from intense flushing or reddening of the skin, rosacea treatments at Scottsdale Skin Boutique & Dermatology may be right for you. We encourage you to schedule an appointment with one of our expert dermatology providers to discuss your unique concerns.
The expert medical professionals at Scottsdale Skin Boutique & Dermatology are proud to offer comprehensive, personalized treatments for a variety of medical, surgical, and aesthetic dermatologic concerns. Please contact us to schedule your appointment today at 480-998-1400. We look forward to demonstrating our commitment to your care.